07.11.2024 - An Online screening of GOI-Startup India Seed Fund Scheme for Batch-38 was conducted at ABIS, TBI, SISFS Centre by Mr.A.V.Gnanasambandam, ED & CEO, ABIS, TBI, TNAU, Coimbatore.
08.11.2024 - Sri.A.V.Gnanasambandam, Executive Director & CEO, ABIS, visited TBI member and DST-NIDHI PRAYAS Grantee, Mr.Chandrasekaran of M/s. Richzon Industries (working on developing "Portable Vacuum Fryer") to see their facilities and to monitor the work progress pertaining to the DST-NIDHI PRAYAS grant disbursed.
08.11.2024 - Dr.S.Jauhar Ali, Rice breeder from International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Philippines visited TIPPC, TNAU, Coimbatore.
12.11.2024 - Prof.Amer Ali Abdullah Al Rawas, Vice Chancellor, Dhofar University, Salalah, Sultanate of Oman and his team visited ABIS-TBI, DABD,TNAU, Coimbatore.
During the visit Dr.E.Somasundaram, Director ABD, TNAU, Coimbatore and Mr.A.V.Gnanasambandam, Executive Director & CEO, ABIS-TBI, TNAU, Coimbatore briefed the services offered and programmes operated at ABIS-TBI. Dr.A.Raviraj, Dean, AEC& RI,TNAU, Coimbatore was present during the visit.
Discussion at TBI exhibition hall
Prof.Amer Ali Abdullah Al Rawas, Vice Chancellor, Dhofar University, Salalah, Sultanate of Oman and his team
12.11.2024 - An Online screening of GOI-Startup India Seed Fund Scheme for Batch-39 was conducted at ABIS, TBI, SISFS Centre by Mr.A.V.Gnanasambandam, ED & CEO, ABIS, TBI, TNAU, Coimbatore.
20.11.2024 - Mr.A.V.Gnanasambandam, Executive Director & CEO, ABIS, TBI, TNAU, Coimbatore had conducted an interaction meet with NIDHI EIR R5 fellows.
20.11.2024 - Mr.A.V.Gnanasambandam, ED & CEO, ABIS, TBI, TNAU, Coimbatore had offered a session on one day training programme "TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY" to the farmers and FPC's from Tiruvannamalai district.
21.11.2024 - The first RIC screening of the RKVY RAFTAAR R ABI Startup Agribusiness incubation Programme (SAIP) for Cohort VI applicants was conducted by the RIC members physically at ABIS, TBI, TNAU, COIMBATORE. About 24 applicants pitched their upscaling ideas to the RIC members.
25.11.2024 - The grant disbursement function for RKVY SAIP Grantees was held at ABIS-TBI-RABI Centre, TNAU, Coimbatore.
Prof.Dr.V.Geethalakshmi, respected Vice-Chancellor, TNAU presided over the function and distributed the grant to the RKVY SAIP Grantees.
The details of the grantees in cohort wise are as follows:
I. Cohort II Grantees:
Third Installment grant of Rs. 34.40 lakhs for 9 SAIP Grantees
II. Cohort III Grantees:
Second Installment grant of Rs.70 lakhs for 10 SAIP Grantees
Presidential address by Prof.Dr.V.Geethalakshmi, respected Vice-Chancellor, TNAU, Coimbatore.
Grant distribution to RKVY SAIP Cohort II & III Grantees
Group photo with RKVY SAIP Cohort II & III Grantees
26.11.2024 - The faculty members from K.S.R College of Engineering, Tiruchengode, Namakkal, had visited ABIS-TBI, TNAU, Coimbatore. During the visit Mr.A.V.Gnanasambandam, Executive Director & CEO, ABIS-TBI, TNAU, Coimbatore had briefed about the TBI facilities, services, activities and programmes offered in ABIS-TBI.
26.11.2024 - Mr.A.V.Gnanasambandam, Executive Director & CEO, ABIS-TBI, TNAU, Coimbatore offered a session to the trainees from "Export Documentation & Procedures for Agricultural Products".
27.11.2024 - ABIS-TBI, TNAU, Coimbatore organized an One day workshop for "TBI Startups working on Engineering sector with Experts in Agrl.Machinery manufacturing and Technical experts from Agri. Engineering and food processing in TNAU".
Mr.G.R.Mohan, Business Director and Mr. M. Manivannan, Design Director from COMPESS, Dr.A.Raviraj, Dean, Agricultural Engineering College & Research Institute, Coimbatore, Dr.M.Balakrishnan, Professor & Head, Dept of Food Processing Engineering and Professors from AC&RI, Coimbatore participated and Interacted with TBI Incubatees.
During the event Dr.E.Somasundaram, Director, (ABD), & Secretary ABIS, TBI ,TNAU, Coimbatore and Sri.A.V.Gnanasambandam, ED & CEO, ABIS-TBI, briefed the activities of ABIS-TBI and the support provided to startups on funding and networking.
This workshop focused on the ways and means to overcome the struggle on Prototype Development, Testing & Validation and marketing.
Valuable Insights were given to 30 TBI Incubatees working in the Engineering sector by University Officials and Industrial experts.
27.11.2024 - Dr.E.Somasundaram, Director (ABD), & Secretary (ABIS), TNAU, Coimbatore and Mr.A.V.Gnanasambandam, Executive Director & CEO, ABIS-TBI, TNAU, Coimbatore greeted Mrs.V.Krishnaveni, a newly appointed Join Director of Agriculture (JDA), Coimbatore.
28.11.2024 - Mr.A.V.Gnanasambandam, Executive Director & CEO, ABIS-TBI, TNAU, Coimbatore offered a session to the trainees from "State Training on Scientific Beekeeping" organized by Dept. of Entomology, TNAU, Coimbatore in collaboration with National Bee Board, Government of India, New Delhi.
29.11.2024 - ABIS-TBI, TNAU, Coimbatore is an ecosystem partner for the Coimbatore vizha 2024.
As a part of 17th edition of Coimbatore vizha 2024, a "one day physical event" was conducted in ABIS-TBI, Directorate of Agribusiness Development, New training hall, TNAU, Coimbatore.
About 30 nos of the participants registered and participated in the physical event.
During this event Sri.A.V.Gnanasambandam, ED & CEO-ABIS, TBI, TNAU, Coimbatore briefed the activities,services offered, programmes operated and support provided to startups on funding and networking in ABIS-TBI .
The participants were taken on a tour to see the facilities of the ABIS-TBI.
ED & CEO offered a session to the participants
Shawl honour by ED & CEO
Memorandum to ED & CEO by Coimbatore vizha team
Exhibition hall visit
Group photo