PMFME Scheme
PMFME is a Central Govt. Scheme aims to provide Financial ,Technical and Commercial assistance for upgradation of micro Food Processing Enterprises across India.
Under this Scheme One District One Product scheme approach to reap the benefit of scale in terms of procurement of inputs, availing common services and marketing of products. "It supports for processing along with efforts to reduce wastage, proper assaying, and storage and marketing and for Capital Investment"
There may be more than one cluster of ODOP products in one district. There may be a cluster of ODOP products consisting of more than one adjacent district in a State.The ODOP product could be a perishable Agri produce, cereal-based product, or a food product widely produced in a district and their allied sectors.
ODOP - Scheme Beneficiaries in TBI
Ms. Janabharathi of M/s. JS Foods - Rs.6 Lakhs
Mr. Anandha Jothi of M/s.Herbomill Nutralites - Rs.8.5 Lakhs