19.03.2020 - Lecture offered by CEO of TBI, TNAU, Coimbatore for the Dept. of Plant Pathalogy, TNAU - Mushroom Research and Training Center Mushroom Cultivation.

14.03.2020 - Presentations of AOP trainees at final RC meeting held at MANAGE Hyderabad.

13.03.2020 - Presentations of SAIP trainees at final RC meeting held at MANAGE Hyderabad.

11.03.2020 - 12.03.2020 - “Indian Small & Rural Biz Expo 2020”
TBI Incubatees pavilion stall space sponsored by Puthiya Thalaimurai Foundation, Coimbatore.
TBI, TNAU was allotted in Hindustan College of Arts and Science held on 11th & 12th March, 2020. The activities of TBI was showcased along with few incubatee products.

10.03.2020 - Lecture offered by the CEO of TBI, TNAU for the farmers from Villupuram District for the program of "Value Addition and Supply Chain Management" in ABD, TNAU, Coimbatore.

07.03.2020 - Massive Training-CoE in Millets, Athiyanthal- 2020
TBI Incubatees pavilion stall space sponsored in Annamalai Mahal, Thiruvannamalai, was provided to TBI-TNAU to showcase their products and technologies in the pavilion.
TBI, TNAU was allotted in Annamalai Mahal held on 07th March, 2020. The activities of TBI was showcased along with few incubatees products.

03.03.2020 - Lecture offered by CEO of TBI, TNAU, Coimbatore for the B.V.SC students of Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University from Namakkal in TBI, TNAU, Coimbatore.

02.03.2020 - Visit of Dr.K.M. Harini Kumar, Professor and Dr. Veena S. Anil, Professor from University of Agricultural Sciences Bangalore to TBI, ABD, TNAU, Coimbatore.
