16.03.2018 -17.03.2018 -Agripreneurship Convention 2018 "Transforming Agriculture value chain to empower FPOs and Agripreneurs" was organised by the Directorate of Agribusiness Development, jointly with NABARD, Chennai, RO on 16th and 17th March 2018 at TNAU,Coimbatore . About 150 TBI incubatees along with 200 farmers from various FPO'S, Agro Industries,Venture Capitalist, start up's, student entrepreneurs and academicians attended the programme and got benefited from the panel discussions. "AGPREUN", students entrepreneurship club was inaugurated during the event.

15.03.2018 - Signing of MoU between TBI-TNAU ,Coimbatore and M/s.Vriksha Agro Ventures, Coimbatore for Licensing of "TNAU- Seed Coating Formulation " for Rs.10,00,000.

05.03.2018 - Guest lecture offered to students of St.Johns College, Palayamkottai during their visit to TBI.
