17.12.2018 - Visit of Mr.S.Venkataramanan, Lead District Manager, Canara Bank, Coimbatore, Mr.S.S.Vaseeharan, District Development Manager, NABARD, Coimbatore.

14.12.2018 - Visit of Mr. Rajkumar Arumugam, President, Agricultural Machinery Manufacturer's Association (AMMA) India, Mr.Viswanathan, Secretary General, AMMA India, Mr.Madeswaran, Treasurer, AMMA India, Mr.Harikrishnan, Secretary, AMMA India, Mr. Rajan KK, Vice President, AMMA India, Mr.VM Raja, Vice President, AMMA India.

08.12.2018 - The existing exhibition hall in DABD for showcasing incubatee products was modernised with a grant in assistance from National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD). The modernised exhibition hall was inaugurated by Shri R. Amalorpavanathan, Deputy Managing Director, NABARD, Mumbai, in the Presence of Smt. Padma Ragunathan, Chief General Manager, NABARD, Chennai.
Dr. N. Kumar,Vice Chancellor, TNAU preside the event.

04.12.2018 - Visit of Mr.Rany vireak, Deputy Director, and other officials from DIC, MAFF, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
