03.04.2024 - Online screening for SISFS programme - 30th Batch was screened by Mr.A.V.Gnanasambandam, ED & CEO, ABIS-TBI, SISFS Centre, Coimbatore. 24 applicants presented their ideas during the screening.
03.04.2024 - Mr.A.V.Gnanasambandam, ED&CEO, ABIS-TBI,SISFS Centre, Coimbatore attended an orientation session on Quarterly Review meeting conducted by Seed Fund Secretariat, New Delhi.
04.04.2024 - Mr.A.V.Gnanasambandam, ED & CEO, ABIS visited TBI member and RKVY SAIP Grantee Mr.S.P.Anbuselvam of M/s.Mighty Exports, Sowripalayam, Coimbatore to see their facilities and to monitor the work progress pertaining to the RKVY grant disbursed.
04.04.2024 - Mr.A.V.Gnanasambandam, ED & CEO, ABIS visited TBI member and RKVY SAIP Grantee Mrs.S.Ramya of M/s.Sharas Venture LLP, Pattanam Pudur, Coimbatore to see their facilities and to monitor the work progress pertaining to the RKVY grant disbursed.
04.04.2024 - Mr.A.V.Gnanasambandam, ED & CEO, ABIS visited TBI member and SISFS Grantee Mr.N.Santhosh of M/s.Coco Science, Kinathukadavu, Coimbatore to see their facilities and to monitor the work progress pertaining to the SISFS grant disbursed.
05.06.2024 - Mr.A.V.Gnanasambandam, ED & CEO, ABIS had attended the "Startup India Seed Fund Scheme – Insights from Beneficiary Incubators" chaired by Shri Sanjiv, Joint Secretary DPIIT in Kochi, Kerala at Crown Plaza Hotel as a part of the capacity building workshop of the States Startup Ranking Framework.
10.04.2024 - Mr.A.V.Gnanasambandam, ED & CEO, ABIS,TBI,TNAU offered a lecture on student entrepreneurship activities to the students from Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore.Also, he briefed on the activities, programmes and facilities undergone in TBI.
10.04.2024 - Mr.A.V.Gnanasambandam, ED & CEO, ABIS,TBI,TNAU offered a lecture on student entrepreneurial activities to the students from IIIrd year - B.Tech (FoT),TNAU, Coimbatore.Also, he briefed on the activities, programmes and facilities undergone in TBI.
12.04.2024 - Mr.A.V.Gnanasambandam, ED&CEO, ABIS, TBI, TNAU, Coimbatore, introduced five NIDHI-EIRians to Dr.S.Karthikeyan, Professor and Head, Department of Post Harvest Technology, TNAU, Coimbatore, to access and utilize the facilities for their product development.
15.04.2024 - Mr.A.V.Gnanasambandam, ED & CEO, ABIS,TBI,TNAU offered a lecture on student entrepreneurial activities to the students from Sri Kaliswari College, Sivakasi. Also, he briefed on the activities, programmes and facilities undergone in TBI.
16.04.2024 - Mr.A.V.Gnanasambandam, ED & CEO, ABIS,TBI,TNAU participated in online virtual meeting on "MAARG Platform" conducted by Start-up India Seed Fund Section, New Delhi.
18.04.2024 - The 18th ABIS - Executive Committee meeting was held at the VC Committee Room, TNAU, Coimbatore, with the presence of respected Vice Chancellor, TNAU & President ABIS and Executive Members.
23.04.2024 - M.r.A.V.Gnanasambandam, ED & CEO, ABIS-TBI, TNAU, Coimbatore participated as a resource person and led a session on "Funding Opportunities for Innovative Startups" in the programme of Impact Lecture Series organized by Institutions Innovation Council at RVS Technical Campus, Coimbatore.
24.04.2024 & 25.04.2024 - RIC meeting was successfully conducted for the RKVY RABI SAIP and AOP Cohort II, III & IV Grantees physically in the presence of RIC Members to evaluate the work progress and utilization of the grant disbursed.
24.04.2024 - M.r.A.V.Gnanasambandam, ED & CEO, ABIS-TBI, TNAU, Coimbatore attended an online session on "TANSEED 6.0 Evaluation Process Demo" organized by Start-up TN.
26.04.2024 - M/s.Tomgo Agro Machines Pvt Ltd one of our TBI incubate had received an "Jury's Choice" Social Innovation award on 3rd Edition of IIT Madras Innovation Awards'24. Also received an cash prize of Rs.25,000/- for their work of excellence.
30.04.2024 - Online screening for SISFS programme - 31st Batch was screened by Mr.A.V.Gnanasambandam, ED & CEO, ABIS-TBI, SISFS Centre, Coimbatore. 35 applicants presented their ideas during the screening.