31.05.2017 - Capacity Building Programme Series 2016-17 was organised by TBI jointly with KCT-BS from June 2016 to May 2017 in DABD. About 150 TBI members got benefited from the training programme. The valediction was held in DABD in which faculties from KCT-BS and TBI members participated.

18.05.2017 - Guest lecture offered by Business Manager to IV.B.Tech (Hort) students.

07.05.2017 - Dr.K.Ramasamy, Vice Chancellor,TNAU & R.Murugesan Director(ABD) meeting Shri. Parshottam Rupala, Hon. Union Minister of state for Agriculture and Farmers welfare and Panchayati Raj, Government of India - Visit to TBI.

04.05.2017 - Nilgiris District- ATMA Scheme- Farmer's Exposure -Farmer's Visits.
