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January 2022

Updated: Oct 5, 2023

31.01.2022 - TNAU- ABIS -TBI is happy to commence the Inauguration of NIDHI-EIR Programme Round 4 for the F.Y 2022-23 physically at TBI, DABD, TNAU, Coimbatore.

29.01.2022 - Meeting with GM-DIC with CEO, ABIS, TBI, TNAU, Coimbatore and TBI Incubatees for the sharing the various schemes and services of DIC.

27.01.2022 - Final RC meeting of RKVY RAFTAAR for AOP Cohort III 19 trainees through online at TBI, TNAU, Coimbatore.

24.01.2022 - CEO, ABIS, TBI, TNAU, Coimbatore participated in the Webinar of KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology through online.

21.01.2022 - Capacity Building Programme session offered by Ms.Vanitha N, Assistant Professor, KCT-BS, Coimbatore for the SAIP III Trainees in the Topic "Design Thinking for Agribusiness" through online.

20.01.2022 - CEO, ABIS, TBI, TNAU, Coimbatore participated in the webinar entitled "MANAGE E-launch" through online.

20.01.2022 - Interactive Meeting conducted with NIDHI - EIR Round 3 Trainees by CEO, ABIS, TBI, TNAU, Coimbatore through online.

13.01.2022 - Interactive meeting for Cohort II Grantees conducted by CEO, TBI, TNAU, Coimbatore through online.

12.01.2022 - Capacity Building Programme session offered by Mr.V.Srinivasan, Founder -M/s.Idea Guru Solutions, Coimbatore for the SAIP III Trainees in the Topic "Proposal Drafting 1" through online.

11.01.2022 - Capacity Building Programme session offered by Dr.Sagar Deshmukh, Assistant Professor (Agribusiness Management), Co-PI & Business Manager (RKVY-RAFTAAR Project), National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad. for the SAIP III Trainees in the Topic "Pitching For Funding" through online.

11.01.2022 - Capacity Building Programme session offered by Dr.Mary Cherian, Professor & Head - Marketing, KCT Business School, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore for the SAIP III Trainees in the Topic "Communication & Negotiation Skills" through online.

10.01.2022 - NIDHI EIR Round 4 Screening committee meeting for the screening of applicants for selecting EIRians for the F.Y 2022-2023 at TBI, DABD, TNAU, Coimbatore.

07.01.2022 - Field Visit of TBI Incubatee M/s. Focusun Energy Systems, Coimbatore.

07.01.2022 - Field Visit of TBI Incubatee M/s. Sharp Garuda, Coimbatore.

07.01.2022 - Field Visit of TBI Incubatee M/s. Perfura Technologies, Coimbatore.

07.01.2022 - Capacity Building Programme session offered by Mr.S.Loganathan, Advocate & Trade Mark Attorney, M/s.Trade & trade for the SAIP III Trainees in the Topic "IPR - Patent, Trade Mark Registration and Copyrights Registration Procedures" through online.

06.01.2022 - Capacity Building Programme session offered by Dr. Kaarthiekheyan.V, Associate Professor, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore for the SAIP III Trainees in the Topic "Exports & Imports Opportunities for Agripreneurs – The way forward" through online.

05.01.2022 - Review meeting for the EDII-IVP Grantees by Deputy Director of EDII, Chennai physically on TBI, TNAU, Coimbatore.

05.01.2022 - MANAGE-CIA is organized a three Day Workshop on “New Age Skills for Agri-Startup and Agripreneurship Ecosystem Enablers" for the Faculty members of the University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot, Karnataka and CEO, ABIS, TBI, TNAU, Coimbatore invited as a Resource person and in the title of "Incubation Setup at University – Experience Sharing Session by Tamilnadu Agricultural University" through online.

04.01.2022 - Capacity Building Programme session offered by Dr.M.Shanthasheela Associate Professor (Agrl.Exten), DABD, TNAU, Coimbatore for the SAIP III Trainees in the Topic "Business Communication" through online.


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