31.01.2017 - Guest lecture offered by Business Manager to students of Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore.

27.01.2017 - Training to incubation Managers of Business Incubators from 10 Countries sponsored by PSG - Step "International Programme on Promoting Innovation and Entrepreneurship thro' Incubation at DABD to 35 participants.

24.01.2017 -25.01.2017- Workshop on "Agri-Tech Commercialisation for upscaling of Agricultural Innovators and Entrepreneurs" conducted in DABD in coordination with IICA & TDB, New Delhi.

20.01.2017 -21.01.2017 Intensive Bivoltine Training Programme for extension Officials of Sericulture, Govt. of Tamil Nadu.

20.01.2017 - DABD, TNAU - Kumaraguru College of Technology. Business School, Coimbatore jointly organized Capacity Building Programme on "Working Capital Management".

11.01.2017 - Training Programme for participants of PSGCAS Entrepreneurship Development.

09.01.2017 - Training Programme for EDP Trainees of Amrita University, Coimbatore.

05.01.2017 - Training Programme for EDI co-ordinators of Institutions in Western Tamil Nadu in coordination with Anna University, Coimbatore.

04.01.2017 - Signing of MoU between TNAU ,Coimbatore and M/s. Skysis Foods,Pvt.Ltd, Haryana for Licensing of "TNAU- Sugarcane Juice BottlingTechnology" For Rs.2.0 Lakhs.

02.01.2017 - Signing of MoU between TBI- TNAU ,Coimbatore and M/s. Trimurti Plant Sciences Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad for Licensing of "TNAU-Maize Hybrid C08" For Rs.5.0 Lakhs.
