23.04.2016 - A Japanese team comprising of Mr. Takayuki Hirano of M/s. Bharat Japan Business Support institute Co. Ltd. and Mr. Yasuhide Ito of M/s. YATS Corporation Co. ltd. visited TBI for Transfer of Technology from TNAU - Visit to TBI.
22.04.2016 - Lecture offered by Business Manager on Agribusiness Entrepreneurship to 3rd year students of BS.ABM, B.Tech (AIT) and B.Sc (Agri) of TNAU, Coimbatore.
21.04.2016 - Guest lecture offered by Business Manager to students of ARS, Bhavanisagar.
15.04.2016 - Professor Ravi Naidu, MD, Crccare, University of Newcastle, Australia - Visit to TBI.
07.04.2016 - Guest lecture offered by Business Manager to MBA students of Kumaraguru College Of Technology - Business School, Coimbatore.